Termite Damage

Preservation Tip: Dealing With Insect Damage

Insects are attracted to materials containing cellulose. Paper-based collections (documents, books, newspapers) contain cellulose and need to be protected from insect attack. Storing collections in cool dry spaces is preferable because there is a link between higher temperature and relative humidity, and increased insect activity.

A sample of Google's Egypt questions

Egypt’s Most-Searched Questions

Museums answer questions. But who’s asking? One place that’s full of questions is Google. In Most-Searched Questions, we’ve taken it upon ourselves to answer some of the most interesting questions the world has ever asked Google.

CMC's records on iDigBio

A Museum Without Walls: Technical Aspects

In an earlier post, we announced the sharing of over 60,000 of Museum Center’s Invertebrate Paleontology records to the global iDigBio website and explained how this benefits the scientific community. But, how does this actually happen? What steps are involved to place our records on an international research platform?