At the Hahn Site, located near the border of Anderson Township and Newtown, Ohio, CMC archaeologists have unearthed a plethora of prehistoric Native American artifacts.
[READ MORE]Category Archives: Archaeology
[Carbon] Dating in the 21st Century
As an archaeologist, one of the most frequent questions that I am asked is “how do you know how old something is?” There are many different answers to that question, mostly depending on what exactly we are trying to date.
[READ MORE]The Story of the Cincinnati Tablet
The Cincinnati Tablet, approx. 1,200 years old, was discovered during 19th-century construction in downtown Cincinnati.
[READ MORE]Egypt’s Most-Searched Questions
Museums answer questions. But who’s asking? One place that’s full of questions is Google. In Most-Searched Questions, we’ve taken it upon ourselves to answer some of the most interesting questions the world has ever asked Google.